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Resounding Squall News  02/14/2013 SzenesoundsRADIO Interview Just in time for Valentine's Day we want to surprise you with a romantic radio appearance ...  Fiddlesticks! Because of romantic - rock we mean, of course! ;-) If you want to be there on, on Thursday, 02/14. from 15 clock turn on Alex the open channel on the frequencies 88.4 (Berlin) or 90.7 MHz (Potsdam). Or you click on the live stream:  We will then give our first radio interview and probably the best then one or the other song played ... Shares this unique experience with us:-p We hope to see many ears and look forward to you :-) The podcast of this show will be later on here: So turn on the radio and to be there!
R esounding S quall
Newsletter 05